Privacy policy and legal notice

Privacy policy

With the development of new communication tools, it is necessary to pay particular attention to the protection of privacy. Consequently, we are committed to respecting the confidentiality of the personal information we collect through this privacy policy.

Collection of personal information

We collect the following information:

  • Last name
  • First name
  • Age
  • Level of education
  • Diploma obtained
  • Work experience
  • E-mail address
  • Phone/fax number

The personal information we collect is gathered through forms and through interactivity between you and our website. Also, as indicated in the following section, we use cookies and/or log files to gather information about you.

Privacy Officer

Christine Poulin is responsible for the protection of personal information at Immigration Élite.

To contact her and ask questions about our privacy policy: [email protected].

Forms and interactivity

Your personal information is collected through the following forms:

  • Information request form
  • Job application form
  • Meeting request form
  • Self-evaluation form

And also, during exchanges by mail, e-mail or telephone.

We use the information we collect for the following purposes:

  • Contact
  • Website management
  • Customer care

Use of personal information

Personal information collected with your consent or under another legal basis may be used. The purposes for which it may be used are as follows:

  • To provide our services, including fulfilling our obligations under any agreement between you and us.
  • To facilitate the use of our websites and to ensure that content is relevant.
  • To recruit by processing job applications and assessing whether an individual meets the requirements of the position for which he or she may apply to Elite Immigration.
  • To ensure that we get paid by collecting payments owed to us and, where appropriate, to enforce such collections through debt collection agencies or other legal means (including taking legal action).

Sharing personal information

The personal information we collect may be shared with certain third parties:

  • Service providers, including those who provide us with website services, hosting, appointment booking and other services. These third parties may access or process personal information in connection with the services they provide to us. We limit the information we provide to these service providers to that which is reasonably necessary for them to perform their functions, and our contracts with these service providers require them to maintain the confidentiality of such information;
  • Government authorities and law enforcement agencies when applying for work permits, visitor visas, study permits, permanent residency, citizenship or to invest in Canada.

The organization uses the services of third-party sites such as Google and LinkedIn to promote its content and offers.

Retention period of personal information

We will retain personal information only as long as necessary for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy and to comply with our legal and regulatory obligations.

To find out more about how long we keep personal information, please contact us:
E-mail: [email protected]
Telephone: 514 910-2028

Log files and cookies

In addition, we collect certain information through log files and cookies. This mainly concerns the following information:

Anonymous analytical data

We use tools to retrieve anonymous data such as origin, type of browser used, number of pages viewed, in order to improve our website and serve you better.

In this way, the use of such files enables us to:

  • obtain anonymous statistics on site usage
  • Improve the quality of content, display and performance of the site.

Right of objection and withdrawal

In addition, we are committed to offering you the right to object to and withdraw your personal information. The right to object means that Internet users may refuse to allow their personal information to be used for certain purposes mentioned at the time of collection.

The right of withdrawal is understood to be the possibility offered to Internet users to request that their personal information no longer appear, for example, on a mailing list.

To exercise these rights, please write to us:

E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: 514 910-2028

Right of access

In addition, we are committed to granting a right of access and rectification to persons concerned who wish to consult, modify or even delete information concerning them.

This right may be exercised in writing or by telephone:

E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: 514 910-2028


Finally, the personal information we collect is kept in a secure environment. The people who work for us are required to respect the confidentiality of your information.

To ensure the security of your personal information, we use the following measures:

  • SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) protocol
  • Computer backup
  • Login / password
  • Firewalls

Finally, we are committed to maintaining a high level of confidentiality by integrating the latest technological innovations to ensure the confidentiality of your transactions. However, since no mechanism offers maximum security, there is always an element of risk when we use the Internet to transmit personal information.

Terms of use

Intellectual property (copyright)

All content (text, photos and other elements) on this website are the exclusive property of Immigration Élite. It is forbidden to reproduce the contents of this site without prior authorization.

Use of logo and trademarks

The use of the Immigration Élite logo and trademarks (advertising and awareness campaigns) is strictly reserved for Immigration Élite. It is forbidden to use Immigration Élite’s visual identity without prior written authorization. In such cases, you must comply with the graphic standards for use of the logo.

Limitation of liability

Immigration Élite strives to provide accurate and up-to-date information on its Web site. Despite our efforts to ensure regular updating, it is possible that some information may not be accurate. In the event of error or contradiction, the official documents issued by Immigration Élite always take precedence.

The information published on this Web site has no legal value and may not be used in legal proceedings or as evidence.

Links to external sites

Immigration Élite provides links to third-party web platforms. We have no control over their content and accept no responsibility for their content or privacy policies.

A canadian maple leaf is shown on a white background.


Contact us

Postal address

5420 Robert-Gravel, Montréal
Québec, Canada H2J 4E7

* All parcels and registered mail can be sent to this address..

Call us




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A canadian maple leaf is shown on a white background.


Contact us

Adresse postale

5420 Robert-Gravel, Montréal
Québec, Canada H2J 4E7

* Tout colis, courrier recommandé peuvent être envoyé à cette adresse.





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